If It Doesn’t Challenge You, It Doesn’t Change You.

I am a huge proponent of the Growth Mindset…both as a School Counselor, and also in my personal life.  I try to live by those ideals and share those with my boys.  2016 will be a year of growth and change for me personally and with my photography journey.  In January, I knew that my newborn work was not what I wanted, but I needed more help and direction. I was reading and watching and studying everything I could, but still felt frustrated and knew I could do better.  But I needed something more.  So that is when I jumped at the chance to mentor with Ashley Hill in Melbourne, Florida.  Her work is amazing, it is the look that I love most in newborn photography and she loves Keith Urban too.  The stars aligned and with my hubby’s blessing, I booked my mentoring session!

February 13th was a full day for me!  I left Ashley’s studio a hot, sweaty, exhausted mess.  My head was so full with everything I had learned, watched, experienced….I could not wait to process everything.  But most importantly…I cannot wait to work with my first newborns back home.  (Twins are up first!!!)

These are some of the images I took during my mentoring session with Ashley.  One thing that I will be doing in the future will be model calls.  They will be limited posing, allowing me to really focus and practice on just a few things at a time.  If you or know of someone who would be interested, be sure to check my Instagram or Facebook for upcoming details.

Enjoy!  ~ Katie

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